Palliative Care at ZSFG


The ZSFG Palliative Care Service provides whole person care that relieves suffering and promotes wellbeing for people living with serious illness. 


To develop a service that fits the needs of our patients and their families, honoring cultural, spiritual/emotional, and social perspectives through a highly functioning interprofessional team. 

To teach and prepare healthcare providers to integrate palliative care approaches in the daily care of people living with serious illness, regardless of medical specialty or discipline.

Service and Outpatient Clinic Hours

Inpatient consult service:
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Please contact providers through Epic messaging or UCSF paging system.

Outpatient clinic:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Please contact providers through Epic messaging or for scheduling assistance, call 628-206-8287.

For general questions and to support the service, contact SFGH Division of Hospital Medicine at 628-206-3457.

Palliative Care Resources

  • VitalTalk: evidence-based training for communication in palliative care.
  • Palliative Care Fast Facts: an extensive library of brief, evidence-based review articles on a diverse array of topics in palliative and end of life care. 
  • Center to Advance Palliative Care: "provides tools and training for clinicians caring for people with serious illness."
  • ePrognosis: a data-driven online tool to assist clinicians with prognostication, discussing prognostic information with patients and families, and related medical decision making.

Palliative Care Service (PCS) Consultation

ZSFG Palliative Care Service Consultation Criteria Chart

View the Palliative Care Service Consultation Criteria chart as a PDF.

Team Members

Physicians and Nurse Practitioner

Sandra MoodySandra Moody, MD, BSN
[email protected]

Natasha CurryNatasha Curry, MA, ACHPN
Nurse Practitioner
​​​​​​[email protected]

Dawn GrossDawn Gross, MD
[email protected]

Hedieh MatinradHedieh Matinrad, MD
[email protected]

Sara NouriSarah Nouri, MD
[email protected]


Social Work

Diane TamDiane Tam, LCSW
Social Worker

[email protected]

Shelby LovecchioShelby Lovecchio, ACSW
Social Worker

[email protected]

Spiritual Care

Freddie ThomasFreddie Thomas, ThM, STL
[email protected]


Palliative Care Nurse Liaison Support

Shayda O'HaraShayda O’Hara, RN, MSN, CNL
Dir., Nurse Liaison
[email protected]

Kim BelloneKim Bellone, RN, MSN, CNL
Medical-Surgical Unit Nurse Liaison
[email protected]

Shannon MacfarlanShannon Macfarlan, RN, BSN, CHPN
ICU Nurse Liaison
[email protected]

Lauren EltermanLauren Elterman, RN
Medical-Surgical Unit Nurse Liaison
[email protected]